As human beings, we are wired to strive for perfection in everything we do. We want our work to be flawless, our relationships to be perfect, and our lives to be without any errors or mistakes. However, the truth is that no one is perfect, and striving for perfection can often lead to procrastination and inaction.

Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, we often find ourselves waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or the perfect idea. We put off taking action until everything is just right, and in doing so, we miss out on valuable opportunities to grow and learn. This is where the concept of “done is better than perfect” comes in.

The idea behind “done is better than perfect” is that it’s better to take action and complete something, even if it’s not perfect, than to wait around for the perfect moment. When we take action, we learn from our mistakes and can make improvements along the way. We also gain confidence and momentum to propel us towards our goals.

As a recording artist, I know all too well the fear of releasing something that isn’t perfect. However, I’ve come to understand that perfectionism is just a form of procrastination. When we wait for things to be perfect, we’re really just putting off our fears of rejection and failure. But the truth is, nothing is ever perfect, and the only way to truly improve is to take action and learn from our mistakes.

“Done is better than perfect” is a powerful mindset that can help us overcome our fears and take action towards our goals. Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, we need to remember that perfectionism is just a form of procrastination and that taking action is the key to success. So, the next time you find yourself waiting for the perfect moment, remember that done is better than perfect, and take action towards your goals.