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Follow Your Instincts

Follow Your Instincts

Have you ever had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right, but you ignored it anyway? It could be a business deal that seemed too good to be true or a relationship that you knew deep down wouldn’t work out. It’s easy to ignore our instincts and rationalize our decisions, but often, we end up […]

Done Is Better Than Perfect

Done Is Better Than Perfect

As human beings, we are wired to strive for perfection in everything we do. We want our work to be flawless, our relationships to be perfect, and our lives to be without any errors or mistakes. However, the truth is that no one is perfect, and striving for perfection can often lead to procrastination and […]

Foot Off The Brake

Foot Off The Brake

In life, we all have goals we strive to achieve. Some want to further our careers, while others want to improve their relationships or health. But what happens when we constantly live in fear of the world or the economy collapsing? It can be hard to focus on our goals and make the necessary effort […]

The Strength We Gain

The Strength We Gain

“The important thing about a problem is not the solution, but the strength we gain in finding a solution.”  Seneca (Roman philosopher, c. 4 BCE–65 CE) In life, we all face problems and challenges. Some are small, while others are overwhelming and difficult to manage. However, how we approach and deal with these problems sets […]

Try Something New

Try Something New

“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark… professionals built the Titanic.” This quote by Dave Weinbaum powerfully reminds us that taking risks can often lead to great rewards. Our natural tendency is to resist change and stick to what we know, but sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zones can […]

Are You Normal?

Are You Normal?

Relax, we’re all crazy. It’s not a competition. Normal is just a cycle on the dryer! In today’s world, people often strive to appear normal and fit in with society’s expectations. However, we must realize that normality is a social construct that varies from person to person. Many of us have our quirks and idiosyncrasies […]

Biggest Problem in the World

Biggest Problem in the World

In today’s world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain focus. Everywhere we turn, we’re bombarded with distractions that pull us in different directions. One of the biggest problems we face is the constant barrage of advertising. On a recent drive to Phoenix, I counted forty-seven billboards for accident attorneys. There must be a lot of […]

Calming Sense

Calming Sense

I heard some people saying that common sense is not so common these days, and I wondered if that was true. It made me think that sometimes, all we need to do is calm down and do the right thing. I would call this ‘calming sense.’ The other day, my wife and I used the […]

Being In Awe

Being In Awe

Every night before bedtime, I have to take the dog for a walk so he can do his final business for the day. The other night, just before taking him out for his walk, there was a monstrous spider on my ceiling. Maybe he was a baby tarantula, which is common in my neighborhood. I […]

Fact Versus Truth

Fact Versus Truth

Last week, I came across an inspiring post that I shared on Facebook. It was believed to be some of the last words of the late billionaire Steve Jobs, who passed away at the age of 56. I found the words profound, and they moved me. The post discussed materialism versus relationships and how one […]